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As a totally independent band, with no record label or corporate backing, we are strong advocates of the 'Crowd-Funding' model in order to finance new releases or new merch ranges. 

This is where Doonifans can help us by pre-ordering certain items in advance, so that it's financially viable for us to produce them. 

Many of our 'Pledge Projects' offer different incentives for fans to back us, often including exclusive items for pledgers.

One of our strengths is that we have a good track record of delivering to the deadlines that we set ourselves and strive to ensure high quality.

Take a look below to see what we are working on, currently.


After the success of the previous 'Leap Of Faith' projects, the band is returning with 'Leap Of Faith V'. For those who aren't familiar with the previous three 'LOF' projects, fans pre-order an unknown product, which will be created and produced by the band, and depending on the popularity of the pre-order depends on what people will receive. In the past, fans have placed their faith in Scott to deliver and nobody has been left disappointed. The more people who get behind the project, the better the final product will be.

Will you take the Leap of Faith?


LOF CD.jpg

© 2025 The Bar-Steward Sons of  Val Doonican. All Rights Reserved.

Any unauthorised copying etc. will result in a good old-fashioned Barnsley arse-kicking.

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